Take pART was a great success with another fantastic year in Venue Cymru. Mostyn had a stand in the Arena making Anselm Kiefer inspired Masks and Mural, we used his ‘secret life of plants’ as a title to inspire our work. Here are some images of some of the 250+ people we worked with…
Roedd Cymrwch RAN (Take pART) yn llwyddiant ysgubol unwaith eto yn Venue Cymru. Roedd gan Mostyn stondin yn yr arena yn gwneud Masgiau a Murlun wedi’i ysbrydoli gan Anselm Kiefer รข’i waith ‘secret life of plants’. Dyma rai lluniau o ychydig o’r 250+ o fobl bu’n gweithio gyda ni…
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