Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Adult Classes / Dosbarthiadau Oedolion

Tenants supported by the Approved landlord Project were invited to participate in the Alex Katz Masterclass evening workshop at Mostyn Gallery. Those attending were given the opportunity to explore art in different forms and encouraged, by leading artist Sevan Nigogosian, to experiment with a range of drawing techniques, in ways that could help them develop confidence in learning new skills. Here are some images from the workshop:

Cafodd tenantiaid sy’n cael cefnogaeth gan Gynllun y Landlordiaid Cymeradwyedig wahoddiad i’r Mostyn i gymryd rhan mewn noson o Ddosbarth Meistr Alex Katz. Cafodd y rhai fu’n mynychu gyfle i archwilio gwahanol ffurfiau o gelf a chael anogaeth gan yr artist blaengar Sevan Nigogosian i arbrofi gyda gwahnaol dechengau llunio, mewn ffyrdd sy’n gallu helpu i ddatblygu hyder gan ddefnyddio sgiliau newydd. Dyma rai lluniau o’r gweithdy:

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