Thursday, 1 July 2010


MOSTYN have been busy providing free talks based on the history and the expansion of the gallery.

HLF funding has enabled us to invite a range of diverse and fantastic speakers to give us an insight into various aspects of the gallery, these speakers have included; Sean Wood, Elan Rivers, Stuart Rivers and Rhiannon Michaelson-Yeates.

Sean Wood kicked off the talks by revealing some secrets and techniques to conservation and used MOSTYN, one of Llandudno’s most historic buildings, as an example of his work.

Our next guest speaker was Elan Rivers, she gave us an insight into the history of Lady Augusta Mostyn and her Legacy, for it was Lady Augusta Mostyn who founded the gallery in 1901 so female GLAS members could exhibit their works to the public.

Following Elan Rivers, Stuart Rivers presented a talk on the topic ‘ LLANDUDNO- could our world class heritage save us from slow decline’. The illustrated lecture looked upon the architectural history of Llanduno town and current development.

Our last speaker was researcher Rhiannon Michaelson-Yeates from the National Library of Wales who presented a talk on the history of Lily Whaite and the Gwynedd Ladies Art Society at the MOSTYN.

These talks have been arranged through our Heritage Lottery Fund education programme. This programme has included various activities over the past year from animation workshops in local youth clubs to giant sculpture workshops resulting in a fantastic parade on the prommonade to celebrate MOSTYN’s re-opening to teacher sharing days and we still have more to come:

We are looking forward to a public project over the summer holidays, a children’s art competition, further talks and an exciting publication!!!

Mae’r MOSTYN wedi bod yn brysur iawn yn cynnal sgyrsiau am ddim, sy’n siliedig ar ehangiad yr adeilad â hanes y oriel.

Hefo’r cyllid gronfa CDL, maen’t wedi galluogi inni wahodd amrywiaeth o siradwyr diddorol, i drafod gwahanol agweddau’r oriel, gan gynnwys Sean Wood, Elan Rivers, Stuart Rivers a Rhiannon Michaelson-Yeates.

Dechreuwyd Sean Wood y sgyrsiau i ffwrdd trwy datgelu y cyfrinachau ar technegau tu ôl gwarchodaeth gan ddefnyddio yr MOSTYN, sef un o’r adeiladau mwyaf hanesyddol yn Llandudno, fel esiample o’i waith.

Ein siradwr nesaf oedd Elan Rivers, pwy ddaru rhoi mewnweliad i’r hanes Boneddiges Augusta Mostyn a’i cymynroddion, Darganfynnodd Boneddiges Augusta Mostyn yr oriel yn 1901, er mwyn i aelodau merched GLAS (Cymdeithas Celf Merched Gwynedd) cael arddangos eu gwaith i’r cyhoedd.

Dilynwyd sgwrs Elan Rivers gyda Stuart Rivers gan gynnal sgwrs gyda’r teitl ‘LlANDUDNO- gall ein treftadaeth achub ni rhag dadfeiliad araf’. Roedd y darlith yn edrych ar hanes adeiladaeth tref Llanduno ac datblygiad diweddaraf.

Ein siradwr dwythaf oedd ymchwilydd Rhiannon Michaelson-Yeates o’r Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru, gan gynnal sgwrs ar hanes Lily Whaite â hanes Cymdeithas Celf Merched Gwynedd yn yr MOSTYN.

Roedd y sgyrsiau rhain i gyd wedi cael eu drefnu trwy ein Cronfa Treftadaeth Loteri. Mae’r rhaglen wedi cynnwys amrywiaeth o weithgareddau drost y flwyddyn dwythaf, o waith amineiddiad gyda chlwbiau ieuenctid lleol i greu cerfluniau enfawr ardderchog ar gyfer ein gorymdaith llwyddianus ar hyd rhonddfa’r mor Llandudno i ddathlu ail-agoriad MOSTYN, gan gynnwys diwrnodau hyforddiant i athrawon cael rhannu syniadau celf.

Rydym hefyd yn edrych ymlaen at ein phrosiect nesaf o weithio gyda’r cyhoedd drost y gwiliau haf, ein cystadleuath celf i blant, bydd llawer mwy o sgyrsiau yn cael eu cynnal a gwilich allan am ein cyhoeddiad.

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