Bernadette Rippon, Mostyn’s head of Learning, led landscape inspired drop in session for all who wanted to attend. This is the third year in succession that Mostyn have sponsored the festvial and we are very happy to be part of the event. Here are some of the images from the day of the fantastic and colourful work created:
Arweiniodd Bernadette Rippon, Pennaeth Dysg Mostyn, weithdy ysbrydolwyd gan y tirlun i unrhyw un oedd awydd troi mewn. Dyma’r drydydd flwyddyn yn olynol i Mostyn noddi’r Ŵyl ac rydym yn falch iawn i fod yn rhan o’r digwyddiad. Dyma rai delweddau o’r diwrnod a’r gweithiau gwych a lliwgar grewyd:
Bernadette Rippon, Mostyn’s head of Learning, led 3D making workshops inspired by David Nash’ exhibition. Students created individual textile panels and sculptures all inspired by trees and nature. A big thank you to all the students who participated and here are some images of the fantastic artwork made:
Arweiniodd Bernadette Rippon, Penaneth Dysg Mostyn, weithdai ysbrydolwyd gan arddangosfa David Nash. Fe greodd y myfyrwyr baneli tecstil unigol a cherfluniau i gyd wedi eu hysbrydoli gan natur a choed. Diolch mawr i’r rhai fuodd yn cymryd rhan a dyma rai lluniau o’r gweithiau celf ffantastig grewyd:
As part of Mostyn’s sponsorship of the Snowdonia Art Festival Bernadette Rippon, Mostyn’s head of Learning, led landscape inspired workshops to compliment the up and coming festival (7-9/10/11). Students looked at their local landscape and worked together to create 2 group pieces and worked on individual pieces that were inspired by their favourite place near home. Here is a sneak peak of some of the images that will be exhibited in the Memorial Hall, Betws Y Coed from 7-9/10/11 during the festival.
Fel rhan o nawdd Mostyn tuag at Ŵyl Gelfydyddau Eryri bu Bernadette Rippon, Pennaeth Dysg Mostyn, yn arwain gweithdai ysbrydolwyd gan y tirlun i gydfynd â’r Ŵyl gynhelir yn fuan (7-9/10/11). Edrychodd y myfyrwyr ar y tirlun o’u cwmpas ac yna gydweithio i greu 2 ddarn grŵp a gweithio ar ddarnau unigol ysbrydolwyd gan hoff le ger eu cartre. Dyma gipolwg ar rai o’r delweddau fydd yn cael eu harddangos yn Y Neuadd Goffa, Betws y Coed o 7-9/10/11 yn ystod yr Ŵyl.
David Nash gave teachers a unique opportunity to have a walk through with him to discuss his exhibition in Mostyn and the various aspects of his artworks. Teachers and Nash discussed the skills he uses that could be transferred into the classroom and the different approaches to sculpture. It was an extremely inspirational talk and we would like to give a big thank you to David and all the teachers who attended.
Rhoddodd David Nash gyfle unigryw i athrawon gerdded drwy ei arddangosfa gydag e gan drafod ei gyflwyniad yn Mostyn ynghyd â gwahanol agweddau o’i waith. Cafwyd trafodaeth rhwng yr athrawon â Nash am ba sgiliau oedd yn addas i’w trosglwyddo i’r dosbarth a gwahanol ymdriniaeth tuag at gerflunwaith. Roedd yn sgwrs arbennig o ysbrydoledig a hoffwn roi diolch mawr i David ac i’r athrawon fynychodd.
Bernadette Rippon, Mostyn’s head of Learning, led David Nash inspired workshops at Bryn Y Maen school. Students were inspired by their surrounding landscape to create detailed drawings and screen prints and used images of Nash’s smaller sculptures to create their own chalk drawings following David Nash’ style. Here is a sneak peak of some of the images that will be exhibited in Mostyn’s Oriel 6 from 19th of November.
Arweiniodd Bernadette Rippon, Pennaeth Dysg Mostyn, weithdai wedi’u hysbrydoli gan David Nash yn Ysgol Bryn y Maen. Ysbrydolwyd y myfyrwyr gan y tirlun o’u cwmpas i greu lluniadau manwl a phrintiau sgrîn a defnyddio delweddau o’i gerfluniau llai i greu lluniadau sialc yn yr un arddull â David Nash. Dyma gipolwg o rai o’r delweddau fydd yn cael eu harddangos yn Oriel 6 Mostyn o 19 Tachwedd.
During the summer break Mostyn held 4-day workshops for teachers. We had 4 artists lead various sessions including; clay, printing, painting, felt making and photography workshops. All the participants had a fantastic time and took many skills away with them that they are now implementing in their schools. Here are some images from the week:
Yn ystod gwyliau’r haf cynhaliodd Mostyn weithdai celf 4-niwrnod i athrawon. Roedd gennym 4 artist yn arwain sesiynau amrywiol yn cynnwys; gweithdai clai, printio, paentio, ffeltio a ffotograffiaeth. Cafodd yr holl fynychwyr amser gwych gan ddysgu llawer o sgiliau maent nawr yn defnyddio yn eu hysgolion. Dyma rai lluniau o’r wythnos: