Thursday, 26 May 2011

Criw Celf

Criw Celf

Criw Celf were in Mostyn on Saturday the 14th of May attending their final workshop in the Criw Celf programme. Participants were led by Bernadettte Rippon to create their own wire sculptures, shadow photography, and 2D works. A big thank you to everyone involved in programming Criw Celf and here are some images of the fantastic artwork made from the final day;

Criw Celf

Roedd Criw Celf yn Mostyn ar ddydd Sadwrn Mai 14 yn mynychu’r gweithdy olaf o dan y cynllun Criw Celf presennol. Cafodd y mynychwyr eu harwain gan Bernadette Ripon i greu cerfluniau allan o wifrau, ffotograffiaeth cysgod a gweithiau 2D. Diolch mawr i bawb fu’n ymwneud â’r prosiect Criw Celf a dyma rai delweddau o’r gweithiau celf gwych wnaed ar y diwrnod olaf:

Printio Gogarth/ Gogarth Printing

Printio Gogarth

Daeth disgyblion o Ysgol y Gogarth i’r Mostyn am weithdy Printio Sgrîn ac fe wnaethpwyd printiau sgrîn mewn ymatebiad i arddangosfa Marged Penderell gan edrych ar y gwahanol symbolau/patrymau a’r siapaiu ysgogwyd gan y thema ‘natur’. Dyma rai lluniau o’r diwrnod:

Gogarth Printing

Ysgol Gogarth attended a Mostyn Screen Printing workshop, students created their screen prints in response to Marged Pendrell’s exhibition and looked at different symbols/patterns and shapes all inspired by the theme ‘nature’. Here are some photographs from the day:

Recycle & Eco Workshops/ Gweithdai Eco ac Ail-gylchu

Recycle & Eco Workshops

Sioned Phillips, a leading ceramic and installation artist, led paper making workshops in Mostyn gallery. Students had the opportunity to learn the different techniques required to create their own paper from recycled and natural materials, they then used these sheets of paper to make their own Marged Pendrell inspired bowls. Here are some pictures from the week:

Gweithdai Eco ac Ail-gylchu

Bu’r artist gwaith gosod a sermaeg, Sioned Phillips, yn arwain gweithdai gwneud papur yng Ngofod Addysg Mostyn. Cafodd myfyrwyr gyfle i ddysgu gwahanol dechnegau i greu eu papur eu hunain allan o ddeunyddiau naturiol ac wedi’u hail-gylchu; yna fe ddefnyddiwyd y dalenni yma i wneud powlenni wedi eu hysbrydoli gan waith Marged Pendrell. Dyma rai lluniau o’r wythnos:

Caru eich Amgueddfa/ Love your Museum

Caru eich Amgueddfa

I ddathlu ‘Penwythnos Caru eich Amgueddfa/Oriel, bu’r artist Sioned Phillips yn arwain dau sesiwn trawo-fewn oedd yn annog mynychwyr i edrych ar adeilad ac arddangosfeydd y Mostyn i greu eu gweithiau celf arbennig eu hunain. Dyma rai delweddau o’r ddau ddiwrnd:

Love your Museum

To celebrate the ‘Love your Museum/Gallery’ weekend, Sioned Phillips led 2 drop in workshops that encouraged participants to look at Mostyn the building and Mostyn’s exhibitions for inspiration to create their own fantastic artwork. Here are some images from both days:

Art Camp/ Gwersyll Celf

Art Camp

In the Easter holidays Mostyn held an art camp for young people aged between 6-11. Participants had an opportunity to continue their creativity during the holidays. During this 5-day art camp participants had the opportunity to try many different artistic techniques and take home lots of colourful & fantastic artwork. Here are some images of the wonderful artwork made:

Gwersyll Celf

Yn ystod gwyliau’r Pasg fe gynhaliodd Mostyn Wersyll Celf ar gyfer pobl ifanc rhwng 6 ac 11 oed lle cafodd y mynychwyr gyfle i fod yn greadigol yn ystod gwyliau’r ysgol. Yn ystod y gwersyll 5-niwrnod cafodd y mynychwyr roi tro ar sawl techneg artistig gan fynd a llawer o weithiau celf lliwgar a thrawiadol gartre gyda nhw. Dyma luniau o rai o’r gweithiau celf gwych a wnaed: