Looking at the exhibitions in Mostyn and the building itself for inspiration, Richard Cynan, a highly experienced photographer and workshop facilitator, led workshops for Llandrillo college students to create photography based artworks.
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
Photography Workshops/Gweithdai Ffotograffiaeth
Teacher Training/Hyfforddi Athrawon
Mostyn Held a Teacher Training day in partnership with Careers Wales, this professional development day looked at the Marged Pendrell exhibition to give an array of lesson plan ideas, discuss new media in today’s curriculum and a practical printing session. Responses from the day were excellent, a big thank you to all who attended and Careers Wales for their continued support to Mostyn. Here are some images from the day:
Cynhaliodd Mostyn 1 Ddiwrnod Hyfforddi Athrawon mewn parterniaeth â Gyrfa Cymru. Roedd y diwrnod datblygu proffesiynol yma yn edrych ar arddangosfa Marged Pendrell gan roi ystod o gynlluniau gwersi dysgu i drafod syniadau newydd yn y cwricwlwm heddiw yn ogystal â sesiwn brintio ymarferol. Roedd yr ymateb i’r ddiwrnod yn rhagorol, diolch mawr i bawb fu’n mynychu ac i Gyrfa Cynmru am eu cefnogaeth barhaus i’r Mostyn. Dyma rhai lluniau o’r diwrnod:
Graphic Design Workshops/Gweithdai Dylunio Graffeg

Liz Hughes, print studio manager and graphic designer at View Creative, led workshops that gave students the opportunity to consider the various skills required to become a graphic designer. Using the ‘Alex Katz’ exhibition as an example, Liz took pupils through the process that Graphic designers use when designing various print jobs. Students were then given the opportunity to research contemporary design, looking at fonts and layouts and then design their own flyer to promote the show; here are some images of the work they created:
Bu Liz Hughes, rheolwr stiwdio brint a dylunydd graffeg yn View Creative yn arwain gweithdai oedd yn rhoi cyfle i fyfyrwyr weld pa fath o sgiliau sydd raid eu cael i fod yn ddyluniwr graffeg. Gan edrych ar yr arddangosfa Alex Katz fel esiampl fe arweiniodd Liz y disgyblion drwy’r prosesu ddilynir gan ddylunwyr graffeg wrth fynd at i ddylunio a chynhyrchu print. Cafodd y myfyrwyr gyfle wedyn i archwilio dylunio cyfoes gan edrych ar ffontiau, gosod ac yna gynllunio eu taflenni eu hunain i hyrwyddo sioe; dyma rai lluniau o’r gwaith a grewyd: