Friday, 26 March 2010

Gweithdy LYNDON Workshop

Mostyn was invited back to Lyndon Preparatory school to lead an art workshop inspired by ‘Materials’ which is the theme year 2 are studying at the moment. The students created lovely 2D individual and group pieces and here are some images to see from the day:

Wahoddwyd Ysgol Lyndon Mostyn yn ôl i arwain gweithdy celf gan edrych ar thema "Defnyddiau" sef them blwyddyn 2 yn eu hastudio ar hyn o bryd. Gwnai y plant ddarnau o waith prydferth 2D yn unigol ac o fewn grŵp, dyma'r rai lluniau o'r diwrnod:

‘Young Brits at Art’/ ‘Celf Prydeinwyr Ifanc'

Mostyn have worked with ‘Young Brits at Art’ to provide workshops based on the theme ‘A world without Prejudice’ for Holyhead High School and Llandudno youth club.

Bernadette Rippon, Mostyn’s Head of Learning, worked with both groups. Inspired by ‘Prejudice’ Holyhead High school students explored the combination of performance art together with movement and music inspired art pieces to produce an abstract photograph amalgamating the two.

Llandudno Youth club discussed and recorded their experiences of ‘Prejudice’ and took a set of photographs of them and their friends acting out their story as characters from various fairytales, youth club members used the ‘Once upon a time in a land far far away…’ as a starting point to create an animation to explore what a world would be like without prejudice.

Bu Mostyn yn gweithio gyda ‘Prydeinwyr ifanc a chelf’ i gynnal gweithdai sy’n seiliedig ar y them ‘Byd Heb Ymrwymiad’ ar gyfer Ysgol Uwchradd Caergybi a Chlwb Ieuenctid Llandudno.

Bu Bernadette Rippon Pennaeth Addysg Mostyn yn gweithio gyda’r ddau grŵp. Ysbrydolwyd gan ‘ymrwymiad’ bu myfyrwyr Ysgol Uwchradd Caergybi yn ymchwilio i mewn i gyfuno celfyddyd perfformio gyda symudiad a cherddoriaeth a ysbrydolwyd gan ddarn o waith celf er mwyn creu lluniau ffotograffiaeth gyfunedig o’r ddau.

Bu Clwb Ieuenctid Llandudno yn trafod ac yn recordio eu profiadau nhw o ymrwymaid a cymerwyd set o luniau ffotograffaith o nhw hunain a’i ffrindiau yn actio yr storiau allan fel cymeriadau gwahanol o straeon tylwyth teg, Defnyddwyd aelodau Clwb Ieuenctid Llandudno ‘ Amser maith yn ol mewn gwlad bell, bell i ffwrdd…’ fel man dechra ar gyfer ei amineiddiad o ‘Be tasa’r byd ma fel heb ymrwynid.’

Gweithdai - Ysgol Penmachno - Workshops

Mostyn have been leading ‘Landscape’ inspired workshops in Ysgol Penmachno in preparation for the Betws Art Festival this October. Students worked very hard to create a mural of Penmachno. Here are some photographs of the students work:

Bu Mostyn yn darparu gweithdy sydd wedi cael ei ysbrydoli ar "Dirluniau" yn Ysgol Penmachno ar gyfer Gŵyl Gelfyddydau Betws ym mis Hydref. Bu'r plant yn gweithio yn galed iawn i greu miwral o Penmachno. Dyma rhai o enghreifftiau o waith y plant:

Gweithdy - Careers Wales - Workshop

Mostyn have teamed up with Careers Wales again to offer Primary and Secondary school teachers a training and sharing day. The days were a great success and Mostyn would like to say a big thank you to Careers Wales and all the teachers involved!

Mae Mostyn a Gyrfa Cymru wedi ymuno gyda’i gilydd eto i gynnal diwrnod hyfforddiant a dydd i allu rhannu syniadau ein gilydd gydag athrawon Ysgol Gynradd ac Uwchradd. Roedd yn ddiwrnod llwyddiannus iawn a hoffai Mostyn ddiolch yn fawr i Yrfa Cymru ac i'r athrawon i gyd a gymerodd rhan.

Here are images from the workshops that Wendy Couling and Martin Daws led for the Blind Deaf workshops. Sioned Philips began this project leading workshops that included working with plaster and mixed media that resulted in wonderful work. Wendy worked with the group to create abstract paintings using acetate and thick acrylics that gave fabulous textured results.

Martin Daws then worked with the group leading poetry and writing workshops, this gave participants the opportunity to explore ‘Haiku’ poetry and develop their writing skills.

Dyma luniau o’r gweithdai a arweiniodd Wendy Couling a Martin Daws ar gyfer fforwm Dallt a Byddar. Dechreuwyd y prosiect i ffwrdd gyda Sioned Phillips lle y bu’r grŵp yn gweithio gyda phlaster a chyfryngau cymysg gan greu canlyniad o waith arbennig. Bu Wendy yn arwain gweithdy ar beintiadau haniaethol gan ddefnyddio ‘acetate’a paent acrylic trwchus i greu gwahanol gweadau diddorol i’r gwaith.

Bu Martin Daws wedyn yn arwain gweithdy ar farddoniaeth a gweithdy ysgrifennu. Rhodd hyn y cyfle i’r cyfranogwyr cael arbrofi gyda barddoniaeth ‘Haicw’ a datblygu eu sgiliau ysgrifennu.