Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Creative maps workshops / Gweithdai mapio creadigol

Mostyn led ‘Creative Maps’ workshops in November; these workshops gave students the opportunity to look at our ‘Ground Level’ exhibition for inspiration to create their own maps with a personal twist. Here are some examples of the fantastic work that was made:

Fe arweiniodd Mostyn weithdai ar ‘Fapiau Creadigol’ yn Nhachwedd, roedd y gweithdai yn gyfle i fyfyrwyr edrych ar ein harddangosfa Ground Level am ysbrydoliaeth a chreu eu mapiau eu hunain gyda elfen bersonol iddynt. Dyma rai esiamplau o’r gwaith gwych a wnaed:

Sgwrs Dominic Williams/ Dominic Williams Talk

Fe roddodd bensaer y Mostyn, Dominic Williams, sgwrs yng Nghaffi Lux Mostyn wythnos diwetha. Roedd y sgwrs yn cynnwys tryloywderau o brosiectau eraill Dominic ac eglurhad disgrifiadol manwl o sut y crewyd yr hyn yw adeilad y Mostyn heddiw. Cafwyd noson werth chweil gyda’r gynulleidfa yn cael cyfle unigryw i holi pensaer un o brif orielau cyfoes Cymru.

Dominic Williams, Mostyn’s architect, gave a talk at Mostyn’s Café Lux last week. The talk included slides of other projects Dominic has worked on and a detailed explanation of the journey Mostyn went through to become the building it is today. The evening was a great success and the audience had a unique opportunity to ask questions to the architect of Wales’ leading contemporary art gallery.

Performance Art Camp / Gwersyll Celf Perfformiadol

Participants of the art camp had a great week in the half term; we looked at Mostyn’s exhibitions for inspiration and created imaginative artworks and performances to compliment them. Here are some images from the week:

Cafodd mynychwyr y gwersyll celf wythnos dda dros yr hanner tymor. Fe edrychom ar arddangosfeydd y Mostyn am ysbrydoliaeth ac yna greu gweithiau a pherfformiadau llawn dychymig.

Past is always present / Mae’r Gorffennol o Hyd yn Bresennol

This project continued with its second Mostyn session in Ty Llywelyn youth club last week, participants created some scary Halloween inspired artworks…

Parhaodd y prosiect hwn wythnos diwetha gyda’r ail sesiwn gan Mostyn yng nghlwb ieuenctid Tŷ Llywelyn, a’r mynychwyr yn creu gweithiau celf wedi eu hysbrydi gan y Calan Gaeaf…

Darlunio Bywyd Amgen / Alternative life Drawing

Diolch yn fawr iawn i Barry Morris a’r holl fynychwyr dosbarthiadau darlunio bywyd, roeddynt yn llwyddiant mawr gyda’r mynychwyr yn creu gwaith ffantastig. Bydd y sesiynau yma yn cario 'mlaen yn y Flwyddyn Newydd -am fwy o wybodaeth ebostiwch fi ar bernie@mostyn.org

A big thank you to Barry Morris and all participants of the life drawing classes, these were a great success and attendees created some fantastic work. These sessions will be continuing in the New Year – for information please email me on bernie@mostyn.org

Betws Y Coed Festival / Gŵyl Betws y Coed

Mostyn led family 'drop in' sessions for the Art festival in Betws, the sessions gave participants the opportunity to get creative and have some fun. Galeri Betws also exhibited the artwork Ysgol Penmachno made during Mostyn workshops. Here are some photos from the day:

Arweiniodd Mostyn sesiynau ‘trawo mewn’ i’r Ŵyl gelfyddyd yn Betws, gyda’r sesiynau yn rhoi cyfle i bawb fod yn greadigol a chael hwyl. Bu Galeri Betws hefyd yn arddangos y gwaith celf wnaed gan Ysgol Penmachno yn ystod gweithdai Mostyn. Dyma rai lluniau o’r diwrnod:

Monday, 4 October 2010

Gweithdai Ysgolion Baratoi Rydal Penrhos / Rydal Penrhos preparatory Workshop

Fe ymwelodd ysgolion baratoi Rydal Penrhos â’r Mostyn wythnos yma i gymryd rhan mewn gweithdy portreadau a ysgogwyd gan ein harddangosfa o waith Joanna Kirk. Fe gafodd y myfyrwyr ddiwrnod gwych a chreu gwaith ffantastig, dyma rai lluniau o’r diwrnod:

Rydal Penrhos preparatory schools visited Mostyn this week to attend a Portrait workshop inspired by our current exhibition by Joanna Kirk. Students had a great day and created some fantastic work, here are some photos from the day:

Past is Always Present / Mae’r Gorffennol o Hyd yn Bresennol

Mostyn have started their workshops in partnership with Ty Llywelyn on the community centre’s ‘Past is always Present’ project. Bernadette Rippon will be working with their youth clubs monthly to create various paper-based works inspired by sports and childhood games. Here are some images of work created so far:

Mae Mostyn wedi dechrau gweithdai mewn partneriaeth gyda Tŷ Llywelyn, ar brosiect y ganolfan gymunedol sy’n dwyn y teitl Mae’r ‘Gorffennol o Hyd yn Bresennol’. Bydd Bernadette Rippon yn gweithio’n fisol gyda’r clybiau ieuenctid i greu amrywiaeth o weithiau ar bapur wedi eu hysgogi gan chwaraeon a gemau plentyndod. Dyma rai delweddau o’r gwaith gynhyrchwyd hyd yn hyn:

Gweithdai Teulu / Family workshops

Mae gofod addysg y Mostyn nawr ar agor bob bore Mercher o 10yb – 1yp i rieni/gwarchodwyr a’u plant (dan 5 oed) ddod i fwynhau’r adnoddau mae’r gofod yn ei gynnig. Dyma rai o ddelweddau o deuluoedd yn mwynhau bod yn greadigol a gwneud chydig o drefn!

Mostyn’s education space is now open every Wednesday mornings from 10am-1pm for parents/guardians and their children (under 5) to come and enjoy the resources this space has to offer. Here are some images of families enjoying getting creative and a little messy!

Printing classes / Dosbarthiadau Printio

Amy Sterly tutored 3 evening printing classes where participants learnt the techniques of dry point printing. These sessions were a huge success and the group produced beautiful work. Big thanks to Amy and all who came along!

Bu Amy Sterly yn tiwtora tair noson o ddosbarthiadau lle bu’r mynychwyr yn dysgu technegau printio sychbwynt. Bu’r sesiynau yn llwyddiant mawr gyda’r grwp yn cynhyrchu gwaith hardd iawn. Diolch mawr i Amy ac i bawb fu’n mynychu.

Mostyn’s Director gives a talk / Cyfarwyddwr y Mostyn yn rhoi sgwrs

Martin Barlow, Mostyn’s director gave a talk on Mostyn’s history and discussed the workings of Wales’ leading contemporary art gallery. The evening gave its audience an opportunity o ask questions about the gallery’s heritage and its contribution to the ‘art world’ at large and in a more local sense.

Fe roddodd Martin Barlow, Cyfarwyddwr y Mostyn, sgwrs am hanes y Mostyn a thrafod sut mae prif oriel gelf gyfoes Cymru yn gweithredu. Fe roddodd y digwyddiad gyfle i’r gynulleidfa holi cwestiynau am dreftadaeth yr oriel a’r cyfraniad wnaiff ganddi i’r byd celf, yn lleol ac ymhellach draw.

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

HLF Art sessions/ Sesiynau Celf CDL

As part of the Heritage Lottery Fund, Mostyn led a jam packed week full of creative activities for families and people of all ages. Taking inspiration from Mostyn’s new building and the current exhibitions, participants were encouraged to expand and draw in different sizes and with all sorts of materials. Here are some photos of the wonderful work and the fun in the making!

Fel ran or Gronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri, Bu’r Mostyn yn arwain wythnos llawn o weithgareddau creadigol i teuluoedd a phobl o pob oedran. Gan gymryd ysbrydolaeth o’r adeilad newydd ar gwaith celf o’r arddangosfa, roedd yr cyfranogwyr yn anog i tynnu lluniau mewn gwahanol faint gyda amrywiaeth o gyfryngau celf. Dyma rai luniau o’r gwaith bendigedig ar hwyl yn ystod y gwaith creu!

Monday, 9 August 2010

Gwersyll Celf Haf / Summer Art Camp

Mostyn led a week long ‘Summer Art Camp’ for young people between the ages of 7-10. Here are some pictures of the participants working hard and having fun creating all kinds of interesting and wonderful artwork, such as their landscape artwork, portraits, 3D work and many more!! Which are all inspired by the exhibition/s showing at the Mostyn.

Bu Mostyn yn arwain wythnos gyfan o ‘Wersyll Celf Haf’ ar gyfer bobl ifanc rhwng 7-10oed. Dyma rai luniau or plant yn gweithio’n galed ac yn cael hwyl wrth greu’r gwaith celf ardderchog a diddorol, fel enghraifft ei gwaith tirwedd, potreadau, gwaith 3D â llawr mwy!!! Sydd i gyd wedi cael eu ysbrydoli gan yr arddangosfa/arddanosfeydd yn y Mostyn.

Family Sessions - Sesiynau Teuluol

Mostyn led 2 days pilot Family sessions in the beginning of July. These workshops were informal and a fun way for parents and their young toddler/s to get creative! Mostyn provided a variety of materials and education packs to work through which enhanced children’s artistic development and understanding of different resources. Here are some images of families enjoying the day:

Ar ddechrau Mis Gorffennaf bu Mostyn yn arwain 2 ddiwrnod o sesiynau peilot teuluol. Roedd yr gweithdai hyn yn anffurfiol ac yn ffordd hwyl i’r rhieni ar plant bach cael bod yn greadigol. Mae’r Mostyn yn darparu amrywiaeth o gyfryngau celf a pecynau addysg, ar gyfer datblygu creadigrwydd celf eich plentyn â dealltwriaeth o wahanol adnoddau. Dyma rai luniau o’r teuluoedd yn mwynhau ei diwrnod yn y Mostyn: