Saturday, 23 May 2009

Live Art
Celf Byw

Mythau, Y Mabinogion, ac Uacharwy
Myths, Mabinogion and Superheroes

Friday, 22 May 2009

Myths, mabinogion and superheroes
This workshop investigates our myths in mabinogion and our take on them to create superheroes. Using masks to create an alter ego that result into a Performance to be on the Orme (Orme means ‘sea monster’ which is what the Vikings thought it looked like!), where pupils will have the opportunity to tell the public about their own myth or tale. Join us on the orme for this FREE Live art session!!!

Mythau, Y Mabinogion ac Uwcharwyr
Bydd y gweithdy hwn yn archwilio ein mythau yn y Mabinogion a’n dehongliad ohonynt i greu uwcharwyr. Gan ddefnyddio masgiau i greu alter ego y canlyniad fydd perfformiad ar Ben y Gogarthto (ystyr ‘Orme’ yw ‘anghenfil y môr’ sef y ffordd yr edrychai i’r Llychlynwyr!), caiff y disgyblion gyfle i ddweud wrth y cyhoedd am eu myth neu chwedl. Ymunwch a ni yn ein sesiwn o Gelf Byw AM DDIM!!!

1.30PM – 2.30PM
Pictures of ‘Myths, Mabinogion and Superheroes’ school workshops:
Lluniau o’r gweithdai ysgolion Mythau, Y Mabinogion ac Uwcharwyr:

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Celfyddyd Perfformio

Yn ystod ehangiad Oriel Mostyn mae ein Swyddog Addysg, Bernadette Rippon, yn gweithio ochr yn ochr gyda Ceri Rimmer, artist perfformio blaenllaw ac ymarferydd Dawns, i ddarparu gweithdai celfyddyd perfformio i ysgolion.

Bob mis rydym yn edrych ar wahanol thema a seilir ar arddangosgfeydd Oriel Mostyn yn y gorffennol neu ddylanwad Oriel Mostyn ar Landudno a Gogledd Cymru.

Bob dydd Sadwrn rhwng 1.30pm a 2.30pm, ar ôl pob wythnos o weithdai, gwahoddir myfyrwyr i ymuno â Bernadette a Ceri i gyfrannu i sesiwn ‘celfyddyd fyw’ mewn gwahanol rannau o Landudno. Mae’r sesiynau awr hyn yn cymryd y technegau a’r sgiliau a ddysgwyd yn y gweithdai ac yn eu haddasu i gynnig i’r cyhoedd rywbeth y medrant ei wylio neu ymuno ynddo!

Dyma’r themâu rydym eisoes wedi edrych arnynt:

Ffordd Fictoraidd
Fe’i dewiswyd oherwydd y gred mai Oriel Mostyn oedd yr oriel gyntaf a godwyd i ddangos celfyddyd gwragedd. Edrychodd myfyrwyr ar foesgarwch gwahanol dynion a gwragedd a’u cymharu â’r dydd heddiw i ysbrydoli perfformiad. Buo, yn gweithio hefyd ar greu portreadau proffil. Cynhaliwyd y perfformiad yng Ngerddi’r Gogledd-Orllewin

Ein Natur ni, eich Natur chi
Edrych ar artistiaid a ysbrydolir gan Ogledd Cymru ac artistiaid sy’n chwarae ar briodweddion ac ymddygiad pobl. Bu’r myfyrwyr yn gweithio mewn grwpiau ar ddarn perfformio byr gan greu croglenni lliwgar a ysbrydolwyd gan eu lluniadau.
Cynhaliwyd y perfformiad yng Ngerddi’r Gogledd-Orllewin

Y Môr a’r Synhwyraidd
Dylanwadodd artistiaid lleol fel Tim Pugh a Nicholas Hughes ar y gweithdai hyn i’n hysbrydoli ni i edrych ar y môr ac felly ar ein synhwyrau. Datblygodd y disgyblion berfformiad a defnyddio cyfryngau cymysg i greu gweithiau celfyddyd unigol. Cynhaliwyd y perfformiad ar y Bandstand, Promenâd Llandudno

Dyddiadau yn y Dyfodol:
23.05.09 – Mythau, Mabinogion ac Uwcharwyr. Penygogarth – Happy Valley

20.06.09 – Ein Diwylliant Cymreig Ni, Eich Diwylliant Cymreig Chi. Gerddi’r Gogledd-Orllewin

11.07.09 – Portreadau a Finnau! Dechrau yng Ngerddi’r Gogledd-Orllewin – Gorffen ar y Bandstand, Promenâd Llandudno

Performance Art
During the expansion of Oriel Mostyn our Education Officer, Bernadette Rippon, is working alongside Ceri Rimmer, a leading performance artist and Dance practitioner, to provide performance art workshops for schools.

Each month we look at a different theme based on past Oriel Mostyn exhibitions or the influence Oriel Mostyn has had on Llandudno and north Wales.

Every Saturday between 1.30pm and 2.30pm, after each week of workshops, students are invited to join Bernadette and Ceri to participate in a ‘live art’ session in different areas of Llandudno. These hour-long sessions take the techniques and skills learned from the workshops and adapt them to provide the public with something they can watch or join in with!

Themes we have already looked at are:

Victorian Way
Chosen because Oriel Mostyn is thought to be the world’s first gallery built to show women’s art. Students looked at different etiquettes between men and women then and compared them to now to inspire a performance. We also worked on creating profile silhouette portraits.
Performance held on Northwestern Gardens

Our Nature, your Nature
Looking at artists who are inspired by North Wales’ beautiful landscape and artists who play on human characteristics and behaviours. Students worked in groups on a short performance piece and created colourful wall hangings inspired by their sketches.
Performance held on Northwestern Gardens

Sea and Sensory
Local artists such as Tim Pugh and Nicholas Hughes influenced these workshops to inspire us to look to the sea and consequently our senses. Pupils developed a performance and used mixed media to create individual pieces of artwork.
Performance held on the Bandstand, Llandudno Promenade

Future Dates:
23.05.09 – Myths, Mabinogion and Superheroes. Great Orme, Happy Valley

20.06.09 – Our Welsh Culture, Your Welsh Culture. North West Gardens

11.07.09 – Portraits and Me! Begin at North West Gardens – Finish on the Bandstand, Llandudno Promenade

Gwyl Gelfyddau Betws Y Coed Art Festival

Family art workshop / Gweithdy celf i'r teulu
Bernadette Rippon & Eleri Jones, Royal Cambrian.

Gweithdai Ysgol Betws Y Coed

Bu Bernadette Rippon, Swyddog Addysg Oriel Mostyn, yn gweithio hefo oll ddisgyblion Ysgol Betws - Y - Coed i greu dehongliad media gwahanol o dirlun Betws - Y - Coed.

Bu’r disgyblion yn braslunio eu cynlluniau o Betws ac wedyn gwiethio hefo’i gilydd i gyfuno syniadau pawlb. Babanod, blwyddyn 1 a 2 yn gwiethio ar yr awyr a’r mynyddoedd, yn defnyddio papur sidan bob lliw, papur newydd, tap parsel, mod roc, a paent acrylic. Blwyddyn 3 a 4 yn cynllunio y llyn, yr afon, y rhaeadr a pont ac yn defnyddio gwahanol wlan, gliter, glud PVA a cerig man llechi. Yn olaf bu digyblion blwyddyn 5 a 6 yn dewis rhai o’r adeiliadau yn Betws - Y – Coed, a gafwyd eu pigo allan o het!!! Ddefnyddwyd cardfwrdd, papur newydd, mod roc a paent.

Bernadette Rippon, Oriel Mostyn’s Education Officer, worked with all the students from Ysgol Betws Y Coed to create this mixed media interpretation of Betws Y Coed landscape.

Pupils sketched their designs of Betws and then worked in groups to incorporate everyone’s ideas. Infants, Year 1 and 2 worked on the sky and mountains, using multi coloured tissue paper, newspaper, parcel tape, mod roc and acrylic paints. Year 3 and 4 designed the lake, river, waterfall and bridge using different types of wool, glitter, PVA glue and slate pebbles. Finally year 5 and 6 built a chosen few of the Betws Y Coed buildings, which were randomly picked out of a hat!!! Using cardboard, newspaper, mod roc and paint.

Ysgol Dyffryn Conwy workshops

Bernadette Rippon, Oriel Mostyn’s Education Officer, worked with Year 9 Ysgol Dyffryn Conwy students on an Installation Workshop to celebrate the Betws - Y - Coed Art Festival.

Bu Bernadette Rippon, Swyddog Addysg Oriel Mostyn, yn gwiethio hefo disgyblion blwyddyn 9 Ysgol Dyffryn Conwy ar weithdy gosodiadol i ddathlu yr Wyl Gelf Betws - Y- Coed.

In the one and a half hour sessions students where looking at Landscape together with their new school module theme ‘Looking Through’ to interpret a given emotion through Installation art, for example; one group was given the emotion ‘frightening’ and chose to build a dilapidated castle surrounded by fog that we could see looking through some jagged rocks.

Yn y sesiynnau awr a haner by’r dysgyblion yn edrych ar dirlun yn gyhyd ar thema newydd yr Ysgol ‘Edrych Trwy’ i ddehongli wahanol deimladau trwy gelf osodiadol, er engraifft; bu un grwp yn gweithio gyda’r teimlad ‘ofn’ a fe benderfynwyd edrych trwy greigiau garw ac adaladu hen gastell wedi ei amgyllchu a niwl.

The students where then asked to quickly sketch their interpretations of the artwork they had made onto acetate paper and then photograph the sketches against the school landscape.

Wedyn gofynnwyd i’r disgyblion amlinellu ar bapur ‘acetate’ eu dehongliad o’r gwaith celf a hefyd i dynnu llun y brasluniau gyda tirlun yr Ysgol fel cefndir.

This workshop enabled these students to work with various 3D materials to create imaginative Installation artworks that gave a contemporary twist on Landscape art.

Gwnaeth y gweithdy hwn roi cyfle i’r disgybion weithio hefo gwahanol ddefnyddiadau 3D i greu gosodiadau dychmygol gyda twist cyfoesol ar gelf tirlynnol.